Virtual Hangout Friend
As a virtual friend, you will be connected with an immigrant or refugee child under the age of 18 who would like to engage with an American student. After you sign up, SAIR will schedule a meeting between you and your hangout friend on Zoom. SAIR will offer activities that you and your match can complete such as "get to know you" games. These are not required by any means, but offer an opportunity for you to better engage with the child.
To be a virtual friend, you must be above the age of 13 and provide a parent signature if below the age of 18. Although young adults are welcome to participate, we would prefer American students under the age of 25. After you send in your initial form, SAIR will reach out to you with parental permission slips as well as to schedule a virtual orientation session. SAIR will screen you during the virtual orientation session for safety purposes. The same procedure will be undertaken with the virtual friend.
Thank you so much for your consideration in joining our virtual hangout session program. We can not guarantee that you will be matched with an immigrant student as it depends largely on the number of people who sign up. However, we will put you in our database as a virtual hangout candidate after your screening process is completed.